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World Toilet Day: What You Missed

Hey Water Saving Friends,

So, yesterday was World Toilet Day! Something I had no idea about pre-this-page, but it's actually a totally cool initiative.

Of the 7 Billion people on this planet, 2.4 billion people are still without access to proper sanitation and toilets (1). Poor saitation increases the risk of disease and malnutrition, more specificially for women and children. We're in the 21st Century, should this not be something we solved already?

The United Nations have set Nov 19 as World Toilet Day in which they focus on the connection between sanitation and nutrition. Through this platform, the UN hopes to draw a global attention to the importance of toilets to support better nutrition and health.

"Lack of access to clean drinking water and sanitation, along with the absence of good hygiene practices, are among the underlying causes of poor nutrition."(2).

On November 19, take action and help promote the idea that change needs to happen. Host a potluck, have some friends over, write a song, get those creative juices flowing! Then let us know what you've done to support the cause through #wecantwait. We can't wait any longer for the world to have access to a toilet and we need people like you to help spread the world.

Help us spread the word about proper sanitation becuase #wecantwait any longer.

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