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What's Our Deal?

Hi everyone!


My name is Angela and I'm one of the co-creators of this website, along with Adrianne. I'm super excited for people to learn more about the topic of water conservation since it's a pressing issue affecting everyone around the world. Hopefully from this site you'll share the same passion I have to protect the planet through saving water. Finding lots of DIY tricks to conserve water as well as coming up with ideas for how to promote water conservation has been a great experience. Feel free to contact us on our Facebook page if you have any questions or want more information on particular issues. Save water, live better! - Ang (^_^)  




Hey there Water Savingbitties!


These past weeks have been dedicated to learning, researching and writing so that we can continue to bring you cool DIY ideas and cool water conservation techniques even as this final project comes to a close. We've had a blast designing this website, creating punny playlists and all round, getting better aquainted with the issue of water conservation. The hopes both Angela and I share for this site are that we can educate and excite all of you to jump on our band wagon and start saving water. Here's hoping you'll join us and start saving the planet one drop at a time ;)

Thanks so much for joining us on our Water Conservation Journey!



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