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Calculating Your Water Footprint

Hello my fellow WaCos (Water Conservationists)!

Have you checked out the sweet "What's Your Water Footprint?" quiz on the homepage yet? If you haven't you should try it. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete and can provide information about how to reduce unnecessary water consumption from your lifestyle. This quiz has the ability to change your life!

After coming across this link on the Internet, I found that meat consumption actually dramatically increases one's water footprint (Neat huh?) as well as learned about the benefits of saving water use by washing clothes in cold water. Though your water footprint number may be in galleons (since this is an American site), I have included a web link so that you can convert between galleons and litres. The link can be found here: 1 galleon is equivalent to 3.78 litres.

Here's a link to the site below in case you don't want to go all the way back to the homepge to find more information:

Save money, live better!


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